Friday, March 11, 2016

Chapter 6

In chapter 6, The Etruscans also know as the "Pre-Roman Civilization". The early Etruscans art, there was a tomb with bronze cauldron and gold jewelry.  In Regolini-Galassi tomb, they found a gold fibula was a unique shape used to fasten a women`s gown. The Etruscan tombs, there was a tomb called tomb of the shields and chairs which were carved out of the tufa bedrock six beds and two high-backed chairs with footstools and the technique was recalled of the Egyptian rock cut tombs. In later Etruscans art, the number of tombs decrease in the elite were no longer. The Etruscans art and the Roman Empire in the inscription Ficoroni Cista reflect the growth of the Roman power in central Italy. The roman artists began to produce larger number of cistae which is a cylindrical container for woman`s toiletry article.

 In the beginning of the the etruscans, we can see that they used some of the method that the ancient have done in the past regarding their art like painting, sculptures and architecture. There is a belief that their art was connected to religion which I don't think so. Because they still believed in gods and their sculptures says otherwise, in my case I don't see anything in their art that has to do with religion.

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